Living the Dream...
The Silver Spur Ranch was originally a dream of Hank Bates, Kelly Bates's Daddy. He even had a brand which is no longer active. His son Kelly, wanted the same dream and almost got it in 1988 when he was asked to go in on a ranch in California where the silent partner was Kenny Rogers. Instead, we ended up buying land in Colorado that was backed up to lease-able cattle land. We are involved both in Colorado and are now in Texas living the dream of the Silver Spur Ranch.
The dream continues to develop as we add to our family business. We each have a part in the plan.
Equine Management, Western Horseback Riding Lessons & Equine Science: Jessie Bates
Cow/Calf Operations, Roping & Leather Lessons:
Daniel Bates
Production, Design, Welding Lessons:
Kelly Bates
Advertising/Events Coordinator:
Elvira Bates
Our History
We have been a part of the country western life for generations. Kelly & Elvira Bates and their children have worked rodeo events both in Colorado and Texas. Jessie, Bill & Daniel Bates have all competed and won in competitions. We all have worked behind the scenes in different capacities with the Elizabeth Stampede & Cowboy Up in Kiowa in Colorado, as well as the Johnson County Sheriff's Posse in Cleburne, Texas. We have raised and sold, herding dogs, horses, cattle, hogs, turkeys and chickens. We have taught Natural/Green Domestic Classes and Dutch Oven/Cast Iron Cooking Classes and always incorporate a bit of western history in most of what we do.